News & Updates

Can You Lose 20 Pounds In 8 Weeks?

It's possible to lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks, but it depends on individual factors such as starting weight, diet, and exercise program. It's important to set realistic and achievable goals.

Is It Enough To Lift 3 Times A Week?

Lifting 3 times a week can be enough to see progress and improvements in strength, but it depends on individual goals and fitness level. Some individuals may benefit from more or less…

Is 90 Minutes In The Gym Too Long?

90 minutes in the gym may be too long for some individuals, but it depends on individual factors such as fitness level and exercise program. It's important to listen to your body…

Is 30 Too Old To Start Training?

It's never too late to start training, regardless of age. In fact, exercise can be especially beneficial for older adults as it can help improve strength, mobility, and overall health.